Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kaylee's birth story!

Every year my mother in law is in charge of a huge Valentines day dance for the church which consumes basically her whole life for a few months. She goes all out in planning the whole thing. My sister in law had told me after we found out that I was pregnant that she wanted to give me a shower. Well while we were trying to figure out what date would be ok, Cheryl informed us that we couldn't have the shower until after the dance. We both figured that would be ok because I wasn't due for almost a month after the dance.
Well the dance came and gone with the showers just a few days after. Alexis (my sister in law) gave me an awesome shower. I got a bunch of clothes, more than I know what to do with. That Friday my mom and me went to Target and Baby's R us to get some few last minute things that I would need and to organize the nursery. After a few hours of shopping and organizing, we all ended up going to dinner that night. Both of my parents at some point that day had said that I looked like I had dropped. Since I never got that big, it was pretty hard for me to notice it on myself. 
The next day I had to work. It started out as any day normally does slow and uneventful. It was just May and me working till Sasha was to get there around 12:00 when I was to go on lunch. When Sasha got there I went in the back to wait for her to clock in so that I could go on lunch. We were in the middle of talking when it felt like I had peed my pants. So I told her I would be right back and ran to the bathroom to see if I really had peed my pants or if my water had broke. When I got to the bathroom my pants didn't smell like urine, but just to make sure I wasn't making a big deal out of nothing I called Alexis. She just happens to be a delivery nurse. After I got back to work she said to cough. I coughed and a whole bunch of liquid came out. She informed me that my water and to go to the hospital right away.
So right away I tried calling Tannar to let him know what was going on. Of course he doesn't answer, so in the mean time I was just going to drive to the hospital since it wasn't to far away and I wasn't in pain yet. At that point my manager wouldn't let me leave unless someone came and got me for I left in a ambulance. I kept trying to get a hold of Tannar who wouldn't answer any phone that I called. My next option was to call my dad,who actually ended up being 70 miles out of town. I ended up getting Tannar's two younger sisters to take me. During this whole time while Im headed to the hospital everyone is trying to get Tannar to wake up.
Dane (Tannar's cousin), Trevan (Alexis's husband), and Bobby (Tannar's uncle) all went over to our house and were making all kinds of noise to wake Tannar up. I should probably explain why he was sleeping before I get to far. Tannar works the graveyard shift, and he had just went to bed right before everyone was trying to get a hold of him. Bobby ended up having to take his unmarked car and turn on the sirens to try and wake him up. When that didn't work, Dane ended up throwing rocks at our bedroom window, which woke him up finally! Tannar didn't realize what was going on till he was driving to come meet me.
When I got to the hospital they put me on some medicine to start having contractions. I lasted as long as I could before getting an epidural. That in its self is a really weird feeling. 
Finally at 8:16 pm Kaylee was born. She was 5lb 14oz. and 18 1/2 in long. When they were cleaning her up she wasn't breathing very good on her own, so they had to take her to the NICU for about a day before she could go home.

Later the next day she was able to breath on her own good enough, so they allowed her to leave the NICU. We ended up spending 2 1/2 days at the hospital. Once they had done enough tests on Kaylee and passed them, then we got to take her home with us.